Sessel Dunkelgrau 63X76X80 Cm Stoff
Sessel Dunkelgrau 63X76X80 Cm Stoff
Sessel Dunkelgrau 63X76X80 Cm Stoff
Sessel Dunkelgrau 63X76X80 Cm Stoff
Sessel Dunkelgrau 63X76X80 Cm Stoff
Sessel Dunkelgrau 63X76X80 Cm Stoff
Sessel Dunkelgrau 63X76X80 Cm Stoff
Sessel Dunkelgrau 63X76X80 Cm Stoff

Product Description

Item No: 5382.351475

Are you looking for a chair to relax after a busy day? This extremely comfortable armchair is the perfect choice! It is covered in soft velvet, a luxurious fabric with a dense pile of evenly cut fibers. Velvet feels unmistakably soft and is extremely pleasant to touch.

This chair offers an extremely comfortable seating experience with a padded sloping backrest and deep seat that help relieve pressure and fatigue. The thickly padded seat and armrests ensure maximum comfort and make this armchair the ideal place to relax.

Thanks to the robust metal frame, this relaxation chair is stable and durable. Each product comes with assembly instructions in the packaging to make assembly hassle-free. Get this armchair and treat yourself to well-deserved relaxation and comfort in your home.

  • Color: Dark gray
  • Material: fabric (100% polyester), metal, plywood
  • Padding: foam
  • Overall dimensions: 63 x 76 x 80 cm (L x W x H)
  • Seat width: 50 cm
  • Seat depth: 55 cm
  • Seat height from the ground: 40 cm
  • Armrest height from floor: 59-66 cm

Shipping and Delivery

Versand und Lieferzeiten:

Die Lieferzeit beträgt üblicherweise 1 bis 4 Tage. Bitte beachte jedoch, dass es unter bestimmten Umständen zu Verzögerungen kommen kann, die die Lieferzeit auf bis zu 2 Wochen erhöhen können.

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Unser Engagement für Klimaneutralität
  • Volle CO2-Kompensation: Wir stellen sicher, dass die CO2-Emissionen, die durch dein Produkt verursacht werden, ausgeglichen werden.

  • Baumpflanzung: Bei jeder Bestellung pflanzen wir einen Baum.

  • CO2-Kompensation: Wir kompensieren fünf Kilogramm CO2.

  • Plastikreduzierung: Wir helfen, zwei Plastikflaschen aus der Umwelt zu entfernen.

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  • Verwendete Materialien: Wir achten darauf, dass alle Materialien umweltfreundlich sind.

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  • Unsere Projekte sind Teil des anerkannten Portfolios unseres Partners Greenspark.

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Return Policy

Return Policy:

How long do I have to return a product?

You have a 14-day return policy. The request for return must be made within these 14 days after receiving the goods online at or via email to

Which products can I not return?

Hygiene items: Excluded from the return policy are items such as electronic accessories, outdoor rugs, toilet items, textiles, and personalized products.
Set items: These must be returned complete with all accessories.
Packaging and condition: Products must be returned in their undamaged original packaging. Products with signs of use or damaged packaging cannot be returned.

Please note our return policy.

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Your benefits at a glance

  • Environmentally friendly

    With every order, we plant a tree, offset 5kg of CO2, and remove 2 plastic bottles.
  • Fast delivery

    The delivery time is usually 1 to 4 days. Delays are possible.
  • Shop worry-free:

    14-day return easily possible! Your satisfaction is important to us. Please note our conditions.
  • Excellent customer service

    Our team is always available to assist you with any concerns.
  • Flexible payment options

    Pay conveniently with TWINT, credit card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, or PayPal. Simple and secure!
  • Free shipping

    Free shipping on orders over 50 CHF.

Your benefits at a glance

  • Shop worry-free:

    14-day return easily possible! Your satisfaction is important to us. Please note our conditions.
  • Environmentally friendly

    With every order, we plant a tree, offset 5kg of CO2, and remove 2 plastic bottles.
  • Fast delivery

    The delivery time is usually 1 to 4 days. Delays are possible.
  • Excellent customer service

    Our team is always available to assist you with any concerns.
  • Flexible payment options

    Pay conveniently with TWINT, credit card, Apple Pay, Google Pay, or PayPal. Simple and secure!
  • Free shipping

    Free shipping on orders over 50 CHF.

Reviews & Opinions

Reviews on Google.

Your satisfaction is important to us and helps us to become even better. We are delighted with the great reviews from our customers:
Amazing support! Ordered a lounge there. I love it 😍 top quality and superb value for money. Additionally, supporting a sustainable project. Great concept. Will order again :)

Anna Frei

Sustainability meets quality👌 Excellent value for money!

Emre Ballas

Sessel Dunkelgrau 63X76X80 Cm Stoff
Sessel Dunkelgrau 63X76X80 Cm Stoff
Sessel Dunkelgrau 63X76X80 Cm Stoff
Sessel Dunkelgrau 63X76X80 Cm Stoff
Sessel Dunkelgrau 63X76X80 Cm Stoff
Sessel Dunkelgrau 63X76X80 Cm Stoff
Sessel Dunkelgrau 63X76X80 Cm Stoff
Sessel Dunkelgrau 63X76X80 Cm Stoff
CHF 87.00
SALE Sold out

Armchair dark grey fabric 63x76x80 cm

  • Environmentally friendly: With every order, we plant a tree.

  • Easy returns: Return possible within 14 days.

  • Excellent customer service: We are here for your questions at any time.

  • Free shipping on orders over 50.- CHF.

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